Strip bars are a rite of passage from boyhood to manhood, and also a given on any Stag Weekend. Every best man and stag party understands the necessary cruelty of showcasing all the naughty fun married life takes away from the Stag of honor for the rest of his life. Whatever happens, the sun will come up, and stag will go to strip clubs. The natural order of things.
Also quite clear that everyone knows what a strip club is like, but not everyone knows how to maximize their enjoyment of it, and the necessary etiquette is also hazy especially for possible first timers.
Budapest Strip Bar Visit
You always have to remember that a strip club or gentlemen’s club is a very different habitat and ecosystem than any other.
There is a set of rules and unspoken laws that govern how each operate, which are pretty universal. Respecting and acting according these rules means a great night, neglecting them can ruin a visit, so it is well worth your while to think on them before venturing out. The rules are pretty simple and make a lot of sense, require no hassle, and optimally you don’t even have to think to be able to act according to them.
It would be silly to lessen your enjoyment because of them.
Let’s start with the basic etiquette. I know, you want to move on to the pro tips, but hang on.
The very first thing to keep in mind is…
Stag dos often involve costumes, or maybe themed T-shirts or such. The latter are usually no problem, but the basic strip club dress code does require you to put your better foot forward.
And there are several benefits to dressing nicely for a night at the club. Putting on a shirt, nice pants, and maybe even a jacket all show respect to the girls, and will raise the girls’ awareness of you for the whole night. Anything less classy than jeans is a no-no, and underpants are a must! This might seem like something not even worth mentioning, but believe us, you can never be too sure.
One pro tip we want to mention here is to wear something softer than jeans, as it can be uncomfortable for the girls when giving a lap dance. This also means you should forego any insanely complex and big belt buckles and remove stuff from your front pocket by the way. Moving on, the girls are not mind readers.
Once you enter the club you are free and encouraged to…
If you fancy someone go over there and ask here to join you, and to buy her the drink of her choice. Whoever you choose, you won’t regret it, as the girls are more than happy to join you, and are pro conversationalists.
The conversation will also give you the chance to talk about what you would like from her. On the flip side, if a girl comes over because she thinks you might be shy to ask, you can simply decline any offers, there is no need for excuses, just be polite like you would be with the waiters at a nice restaurant.
You’ll probably be inclined to do so own your own accord, because Hungarian strip clubs are more akin to gentlemen’s clubs, somewhat removed from the giant buffet outfitted strip joints popular in media and pop-cultural memories. And seeing as how it’s a gentlemen’s club…
One important thing to remember is simply to relax. First off, you are out in a great new country for a romp with some of your closest friends, and every minute really is in service of that.
If anything in the club surprises you, just roll with it, and don’t tense up. There really is no need to. Grab some drinks and sit back, enjoy everything on offer.
Don’t overdo it though. Getting completely hammered increases the chances of you doing something frowned upon, and could cause trouble if things get really out of hand. On this note, there is no way the girls will sleep with you, so don’t let yourself slide into that mind frame, as only disappointment awaits down that road. That doesn’t mean you can’t feast your eyes upon the show and get immense pleasure anyway, so it is hardly a trade-off.
Going for a private dance gives you more close contact, but always remember that she is in control, and you do exactly nothing she doesn’t explicitly given permission to. This is really non-negotiable.
Finally, be ready for…
Strip clubs are far from the cheap end of the spectrum for drinking, especially premium stuff. It’s not insane, but given the service provided this is more than understandable.
If you talk to girls, order them drinks and remain respectful, they will be highly appreciative and again, are a lot of fun to talk to.
Budapest Rent a Strip Bar
With all that said, things are really not as strict as they may seem to be, you just have to be a gentlemen and the girls will love you. Also, always remember to tip.
How can Stag’s Emporium further your enjoyment and make the strip club visit special? Easy. Booze. If you book with us, we’ll take you to one of the most exclusive clubs in Budapest, with a coupon for a 50% discount on everything outside premium drinks and champagne. Lap dances also last longer for the same price. We hesitate to say more bang for your buck, because well, you know.
Hell, we can also arrange you the whole bar for yourselves for two hours and an all you can drink arrangement (again, everything but the premium stuff). The girls only dance for you and a special show will be arranged with the Stag of honor on the stage!
A rare opportunity and a great Stag Do event!